Herbal Medicines for Celery (Apium Graviolens)
The characteristics of celery plants are less than 1 meter high, with multiple stems, short stems, compounded compound compounds. And usually celery is sold as vegetables.

1. Treat bladder infections

Celery is very helpful in removing gallstones from the body and treating bladder infections, as a result of strong anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

2. Improve health

Research has found that celery can help cure inflammatory diseases such as gout, arthritis and rheumatism because of the powerful anti-inflammatory properties associated with swelling and pain in the joints.

To treat the disease, care must include a glass of celery juice a day.

3. Reducing inflammation

As mentioned earlier, these vegetables contain several anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain caused by inflammation.

The content of luteolin reduces inflammation in Hippocamps, the part of the brain associated with memory.

4. Regulate blood pressure

Celery is rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure. In addition, celery contains phthalides which help relax the muscles around the arteries.

This helps blood vessels dilate, decreases blood pressure.

5. Reducing cholesterol

Phthlides can also reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in a person's body.

They trigger the production of bile acids which function to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood.

To enjoy the benefits, you need to consume two celery sticks every day.

6. Prevent cancer

Celery mixtures contain compounds that fight certain types of cancer.

Luteolin flavonoids function to block the growth of cancer cells.

Phthlides and polyacetylenes in celery detoxify cancer cells in the body and help prevent cancer cells, especially ovarian cancer.

7. Lose weight

Celery is the right choice that should be a regular part of your diet, especially if you want to lose weight.

The celery stalk only has 15 calories in it.

You can chew all the celery without worrying about the calories and fiber in it will make you full longer.

8. Natural diuretics

The level of potassium and sodium found naturally in celery makes it a strong diuretic.

This is very helpful in getting rid of harmful toxins from the body and regulating fluids.

9. Reducing menstrual symptoms

There are 50 other compounds in celery that are associated with menstrual symptoms such as bloating, headaches, and abdominal pain.

Anethole phytochemicals in celery help overcome symptoms that can occur during menstruation.

10. Relieves stress

You can deal with stress by using natural celery.

It contains magnesium which works to calm your nervous system.

Next, you can improve your sleep by eating some celery at dinner.

11. Oral health

Poor oral hygiene, bacteria, food trapped in the gums and teeth, causing bad breath.

Chewing on a celery serves to remove food and refresh your breath at the same time.

12. Good for digestion

Celery has one of the highest water presentations in it.

Therefore, this plays a big role in keeping you organized and dealing with constipation.

13. Eye health

Many of the nutrients found in celery help protect your eyes from macular degeneration.

Celery also contains at least 10% of the daily dose of vitamin A, which is perfect for eye health.

14. Anti aging

These vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E and other important nutrients.

Vitamin E in it helps keep skin moist and antioxidants in celery helps protect the skin from harmful substances that can cause skin aging.

15. Increases libido

Celery helps provide a healthy sex drive because it contains androstenol and androstenone that have been found to help increase sex drive.