Awar Awar. Latin name: Ficus septicum Burm.b. Sirih popar (Ambon) Tagalolo, Bei, Loloyan (Minahasa); Ki ciyat (Sunda); Awar awar (Java); Bar-Abar (Madura); Awar awar (Pacific Islands); Tobotobo (Napier); Dausalo (Bugis ); Bobulutu (North Halmahera); Tagalolo (Ternate). FOREIGN NAMES: Papua New Guinea: omia (Kurereda, Northern Province), manibwohebwahe (Wagawaga, Milne Bay), bahuerueru (Vanapa, Central Province). Philippines: hauili (Filipino), kauili (Tagalog), sio (Bikol). NAME simplicia Fici septicae folium, leaf awar-awar

Description of plants: trees or tall shrubs, 1-5 feet tall. The main rod bent curved, soft, rounded branches cylindrical, hollow, bare, sticky nodes. Leaves leverage a single, large, very spiky, single leaves, stemmed, leaves alternate or opposite seat, stemmed 2.53 cm. Strands of oval or elliptical, with rounded base, tip narrowed quite blunt, flat edge, 90-30 times 9-16 cm, from the top, shiny dark green, with many pale spots, from light green bottom, left and right side bone middle leaves with 6-12 leaves bones beside; both sides of the bone because of its striking leaves pale. Compound flower pot arrangement in pairs, short-stemmed, at pangkaInya with 3 leaves a protective, light green or gray green, approximately 1.5 cm in diameter, in some plants have male flowers and flower gal, on the other the female flower. Fruit types of pot, and fleshy, green, gray-green, diameter 1.5 - 2 cm. Flowering time from January to December. These plants are found in Java and Madura; grow in areas with an altitude of 1200 m asl, are found on the roadside, shrubs and open forest.

Habitat: Grows wild as crop pests in the lowlands to 1200 m asl

Part of plant used: Leaves

Chemical Ingredients: Flavonoids; Sterol; Benefits: Sudorik; Diuretics; emetic

Simplesia Name: Folium septicae Fici

Leaf Ficus septica can inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in vitro, the test results bioautografi reported that 4 g of leaf extract soluble awar awar Methanol can inhibit bacterial growth. Antofin (5 g) as an antibacterial effect (B. subtillis, M. flavus and E. Coli)

Traditional recipe:

Herpes, Headaches, Arthritis:

Awar-awar fresh leaves to taste, Water to taste, crushed to form a paste, smeared on the skin of the sick