Pericarpium Arecae

areca peel

dried pericarp

Pericarpium Arecae is mainly grown in Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, and Fujian. The unripe fruit is collected in winter through spring. It is boiled, dried, and sliced. This unripe peel is called Da Fu Pi, whereas the ripe fruit is called Da Fu Mao.

Pungent in flavor, slightly warm in property, acts on the Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Small Intestine channels.

Lowers Qi and soothes the Middle Heater, is a diuretic.

For Qi Stagnation due to accumulation of Dampness with epigastric and abdominal disten- sion, difficult elimination of the feces, edema of the legs, and oliguia, it is used with Semen Arecae (Bing Lang).

Contraindicated in patients with loose stools due to Spleen Deficiency.

Areca catechu L. (Fam. Arecaceae)

1. Whole plant; 2. Fruit; 3. Cross section of the fruit; 4. Seeds

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